Monday, October 11, 2010


Diet Pepsi Ad

Anyone who sees this ad could assume is for a beauty product... But no, it's "only" for the new Sexy Drink of the year...
The ad consists of a plain pink background, with a delicate font that says “New Pepsi Light, Sexy Drink”. A woman, skinny with her hair up, spraying the diet Pepsi can she’s holding as if it were perfume with the spray of the soda. The girl is also pretty plain in terms of clothing, just a plain sleeveless top, and her hair tied into a top bun. She looks like one of those supermodel figures with very slender bodies. And from my perspective, this ad encourages women to diet themselves to attain such a body type. The ad is trying to appeal to the desire of women of being attractive.
This ad is obviously intended for woman, especially those who want to diet. It is made for the very feminine, delicate girl who diets to maintain her beauty and obviously drinking this new diet Pepsi can do. The poster encourages the concept of a thin model figure for all women to want. And mentioning the word “sexy”, it also gives the message that it can help a woman be sexier inside and out. The way the model is moving also creates a sense of delicacy and beauty.
The model has her hair up, and apparently seems like she is finishing putting on her make up, and she is spraying the Pepsi as perfume. All these things create beauty, and by using it as such, the idea that the diet Pepsi helps you becomes beautiful is also again stated. However, it can be said that it encourages certain views on beauty and what a woman should do to become such a lady. The advertisement enforces what women should do whether or not it is healthy or even good to do so, and how the rest of society should react to those who do or do not follow such a trend.

Monday, September 13, 2010


Gnocchi. Let's start by saying that I. ABSOLUTELY. LOVE. GNOCCHI. Yes, gnocchi is the best food ever in existence, and I couldn't live without them. If I had to make anyone try a certain food, I would definitely make them try gnocchi. However, not any recipe of gnocchi is as good as the one that my mom makes. Mr. Tsuyuki, I really recommend that you try them.
First of all, I will explain what this food is about. Gnocchi is a food from Italian origin, of course, and the word means "knot" or "lump", which describes the shape of it. The most common way to prepare them is to combine potatoes, which are previously boiled, peeled, and mashed, with flour to make soft, bite-size lumps of dough. After that, each gnoccho is ridged along one side like a seashell. You cook them, add some homemade marinara sauce, and voila! Now the secret is not only in the gnocchi, the secret is in the sauce. I would love to tell my family's secret recipe, but then it wouldn't be secret anymore! Sorry :/
Anyway, as I said before, I love this food, and I guess it's because I got used to it. In Argentina (the country where I'm from) we even have a holiday for gnocchi, and we celebrate it on the 29th of every month. I honestly don't know why the tradition says we have to eat gnocchi, but all Argentines do it, and we love it.

This is not a recipe for those watching their calories, but everyone needs a day where they enjoy a hearty portion of gnocchi.
The tenderness of those uniquely shaped pasta dumplings, the savory sauce, the freshness of the ingredients, and the warmth of the whole dish are so delightful.

If you're a pasta lover, like me, you will love them.